– Otto H Kruse, Founder,
OH Kruse Grain and Milling

At Western Milling, we live by the same commitment to customer satisfaction and success that drove Otto Kruse. We believe that humility and hard work, combined with safe, prudent and efficient operations, will ultimately bring results that matter for our customers. It is our mission to deliver quality products and services with superior customer service.


Present in everything we do is the belief that employees grow the company – and should grow with it. And we hold dearly to the notion that being innovative and driven, while being honest, ethical and dependable, leads to a business we can all be proud of, and that customers will continue to partner with us.

Strive for Customers’ Success

We seek to understand and appreciate what makes our customers successful, making the most of every opportunity to exceed their expectations, thus creating value that contributes to their success and ours.

Care for Each Other

We provide support, understanding and genuine care for each other, and we work collaboratively, recognizing that we’re stronger as a team.

Embrace Growth and Progress

We remain open to new ideas and ways of working, see the potential in change and are committed to continuous improvement.

Do the Right Thing

We are trustworthy because we are honest, accountable and transparent. We work towards the best solution, not the easiest solution, always doing the right thing the first time.

Deliver Results

We relentlessly seek to deliver on the goals we’ve set, without compromising on our values.

Own It

Everyone is encouraged to think like an owner of their roles and responsibilities, knowing that we each create our own outcomes.

Our History

Our success evolved from hard work, perseverance, and a singular focus on getting the results that matter — our customers’ seeing success with our products — as far back as 1935. And we are committed to continue serving our customers with this same focus on their success as we move forward.


Our Company remains committed to Otto Kruse’s motto: Know thy customer and strive for their success. His legacy has spanned three generations and has been at the core of making Western Milling who we are today. We remain in tireless pursuit of customer success and continue to aspire to be the leading agriculturally based, nutrient solutions business in the Western United States.